Guinness Live at FireFly: Regine from Team Shanghai Dolly VS Willis from Team Firefly


Welcome to Guinness Live Competition live blog at by me at Firefly Bar. It’s Thursday and it’s an exciting Guinness Live night because the regular Regine is back on stage again to perform her live singing! Woot! Today the competitor she faces is Willis from Team Firefly… Will she win over tonight fight? Result will be release soon…

[Live Update @ 9.46PM] Firefly Bar surrounding atmosphere as usual cold but this won’t affect the live Guinness competition because the contestant are ready to rock on stage with their best performance.

[Live Update @ 10.21PM]
First song Regine representing the team Shanghai Dolly is “I will survive”! Power Vocal to rock the audience below the stage, Will she survive today? Next followed by Willis singing Jay Chou song – 最长的电影. Omg! My favourite song!!

[Live update @ 11pm]
After three familiar songs they had sing along this Guinness Live Competition today at Firefly, now is time for voting! The audience supportive cheering as usual loud and clear, among the positive and negative comment from the judges, here have come to the final result whereby Regine from team Shanghai Dolly score (78) vs Willis from team Firefly score (85). Congratulation to Willis!

Valentine’s Day Special