Guinness Live Competition: Phoebee from Team Dragonfly VS Alfred from Team Firefly


Hi readers! I’m Terence posting on behalf of HP for the Guinness Live Competition at Dragonfly located at Habourfront! As continuation from yesterday, I brought along my best friend in school, Yuanbin with me to enjoy this great rocking competition. Instead of having Guinness Draught, we had Stout instead while listening to the singers on stage!

For today, The two competition singer was Phoebee from Team Dragonfly and Alfred from Team Firefly. Phoebee brought a lot of supports tonight to support her at the venue, where she was showing Jason and the rest where her supporters are!

Guinness Live competition started off with Alfred followed by Phoebee. Alfred two of 张学友’s song, 我等到花儿也谢了 and 吻别, which are my favourite KTV “100% must sing” songs!

Phoebee sang 痛哭的人 by 伍佰 and我可以抱你吗?which was the brought many cheers and applause for her by the audience below!

Tonight, we also have with us, Singapore Idol finalist, Sylvester, in the house as a Judge! Can you guys spot him in the photo? It was a close fight between Phoebee and Alfred as there were many supporters for Phoebee. However, the two professional judges gave their votes to Alfred. So therefore, tonight Alfred from Team Firefly emerged as the final winner! Congratulations!

Post Published by Terence Yeo