Guinness Live: Jeremy from Team Shanghai Dolly VS YongWei from Team Dragonfly


Its Day 3 of Lunar New Year and time to go back to Singapore Guinness Live Competition! Woohoo… this time round, we my group of cheerful friends, we will be bringing you back to St. James Dragonfly for the Guinness Live Competition.

New Year met up with my brunch of good friends, chilling out at St. James Dragonfly with a cup of Guinness Beer, enjoying the atmosphere begin held at and supporting our friendly friends on stage. Thus, two competitors from different team started to battle on stage again!

The two competition singer of the night was Jeremy from Team Shanghai Dolly and Yong Wei from Team Dragonfly. Although both of them wasn’t have well prepared through this competition but they did rock the audience below the stage. However, Yong Wei did a great job by getting the audience singing along with him!

Next phrase, it had come to the time where audience and judges have to decide the winner of the night. Well, after the professional review by judges, the winner of the night goes to Jeremy from Team Shanghai Dolly! Congratulation to Jeremy!