Post Event Nuffnang Awards Contest


NN Contest: Post Event Nuffnang Awards

Hello people! Welcome back to my #nnawards blog post once again…I am here writing for contest, so at the end of reading pls vote for ME!!! by clicking like it! Thank you very much!…haha… So, for today, Part 3 (Contest)….Before you read Part 3, you must read Part 1 and Part 2, if not, you wont/might not get the fun for this whole event. haha… *see below*

Nuffnang Blog Awards Event…Bloggers reached the pan pacific place and was told to register before heading for photo shooting. For Me, As a local blogger, i walked over the registration section to mark my name.

Next, i sign on the Nuffnang Awards Book! Below this picture i can 100% confirm is my hand! hahaha…Sign a BIG HEART to NUFFNANG! you rock!

Photograph with 2 ming….Boss Ming and Boon Ming!

The Pringles you can see everywhere…

Here how the Nuffnang Awards Look like!

Entering Ballroom…Very cool colourful room which fill with four hundred over of bloggers!

Yes! I am sitting at Table 39! The Noisy table…! haha…We shout when something rock on stage till many eyes look at our table…lols…

Here are some of other table bloggers!

Awards presentation…Bloggers are looking at the large front screen with their smiling face expression and wondering who will get the award and title of night.

Hmm…I dont think she deserved the award…Opps…Guess who? hahaha..i think everyone is saying it by now…lalala~

Top 60 Finalist on stage for photo taking

Not forgetting us, The Hyper innit Nuffnanger on stage…
combination of singapore and malaysia nuffnanger! Cool!

Lastly, Nuffnang Nuffies Group photo!

Vote for me by clicking I LIKE IT!



  1. Wen Pink,Nicole,Sy yuan : Thank you! ^^ Hope you enjoy reading and viewing it! 🙂

    Tony Wan: haha yeah…more to go! =)

    Adele Chow: Thank you! ^^ Is the Nuffnang Awards Post event contest..i want to win a camera…haha

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