Guinness Live at FireFly: Phoebee from Team DragonFly VS Alfred from Team Firefly


Woohoo! It’s my last time doing the write up for Guinness Live Singapore at FireFly because the competition has coming to the end! An excited moment has been through all along in this Guinness Live competition period and here are the highlights for today.

Competition singer of the night for this time round, we have Phoebee from Team DragonFly and Alfred from Team Firefly. Both have showcased their great singing momentum performance on stage and it led the crowds high along as the time goes.

Highlights of the night – other than Phoebee from Team DragonFly have performed her two great English songs; Alfred from Team Firefly, with his loud and clear voice, he gave an awesome impact to the audience tonight. Thus, he sings the Taiwanese most famous Hokkien song “我问天” and it’s really great to hear the live version from him. Check out the video below here:

Lastly, here comes the voting phrase from the audience and after the final decision score from the judges, the result score was 90 vs 79! Alfred from Team FireFly won the singing of the night with the score of 90 point. Congratulation to Alfred!