Nuffnang Asia Pacific Blog Awards
Hello people! welcome back once again….Have you read my NNawards blog post part 1? This post will be continue from there! woohoo…Last Friday, attended a very grand event by Nuffnang. This time round, nuffnang invited bloggers from different region to attend this event and there were from Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines and Australia. Alright so what happen inside the ballroom? here we go…Lets zoom in see…
For you guy who wonder where i am sitting at? I’m sitting at table number 39 together with my usual gang! haha…I can said that inside the surrounding is somehow like attending a wedding event…lols, like the colour pretty much!
Event started at 8pm, Emcees during that night was Allan Wu and some performance came along as the time pass by…Firstly, Ming and Tim (Nuffnang Co-Founder) given opening speech to everyone followed by seeing their milestones video! Next, Dinner was serve while magic performance by JC Sum & Magic Babe Ning And Rock Music By Electrico.
Time Near 9pm, Awards Presentation started. Top 5 finalist from each categories Video was flashed out onto the big screen and the result was announced! Below here are all the result in each category. Xiaxue won 3 awards and Jayden won the 5k! Congrats to them! xD
Best Blog Shop: bonitochico.livejournal.com
Best Food Blog: ieatishootipost.sg
Best Fashion Blog: ladymelbourne.blogspot.com
Best Parenting Blog: childhood101.blogspot.com
Best Travel Blog: ironwulf.net
Best Celebrity Blog: joannepeh.com
Best Entertainment Blog: kennysia.com
Best Geek Blog: mrgadget.com.au
Best Original Blog Design: xiaxue.blogspot.com
Best Influential Blog: xiaxue.blogspot.com
Best Hidden Gem: dedoodleblog.blogspot.com
Region’s Best Blog: xiaxue.blogspot.com
Best Pringles Video Contest: http://jayleif.blogspot.com/
Well, the whole event ended around 11pm…After the event, people were walking around, taking picture…Overall, Nuffnang Blog Awards event was success! Thank Nuffnang for the invitation to #nnawards! Managed to make some new friends there as well as met my malaysian nuffnanger friends! Nice meeting you all! 🙂
Looks like somebody had a great party! I know your party all day like this at your house right? Hahaha!!!
it's sooooo cool! sad that i couldnt get to go. 🙁
T-Reviews: hahaha Thank, i had a great party there but not all day at my hus la…lols, I so HOPE everyday party at my hus.. 😛
Von Yvonne: dont sad…sure got next time de ^^ cheer!
Hi there! Nice meeting you in Singapore^^
nice and grand event~~..
2bad i'm not invited..
Zues: Hey! Nice meeting you too 😀 Hope you have enjoy the singapore trip by NN ^^
Kwong Fel: haa icc…Hope can see you next time ya! 🙂
it was a lovely event 🙂 i love the magic show and also seeing the people behind the blogs that i read in real life! 😀
wow the place looks really awesome. Its kinda like a semi 'hong xing da jiang' Haha. =)
Ooh i didnt see u that night :S
i see myself in the last picture tho lol 😛
It's a very nice event. Thanks for the info. Some of the blogs I dun even visited before LOL. And the Pringles video is really pro!
Meow: haha same here! the nn event was great…esp get a chance to meet up wif many bloggers xD
Kristin: haha yes yes! i got the same feel as you…something like hong xin da jiang… =D
Pork Chop: lols..i didnt see you during the awards but if i not wrong, i think i saw you during the bloggers tour…hahaha
Tony Wan: haha you are welcome, hope you had enjoy reading it ^^ and yup..the pringles video is the best! 😀
Great Event!
huhu… i cannot join…
walao… damn syok lor!!!! 🙁 so sad!
You take very nice pics. Keep it up! Compared to yours, mine really has no place in the society. lolz
Viya: Hey ya! haa, join next time den ^^
Wen Pink: hahaha…you should join in man! is damn fun during tat event! =D and u know what? the bloggers tour place we went, is the places i brought u along during ur sg trip! lols..
Akira: Hello…Thank ya ^^ will keep it up…haha, urs also not bad ar…keep up!
Genial post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.
hpility.blogspot.com; You saved my day again.
Wow so many photos!! Come back to Malaysia soon! 😀