Birthday Celebration


[Designed by: Joyce Stella] Thank you!

Post on 10/07 & 11/07
My 20th & 19th Birthday Celebration

Hello people! I am back! First of all, i wanna thank to everyone who had send me the Birthday wish yesterday. Very glad and appreciate! Some people even make an edited picture and some birthday wish really long to read…haha…will write it out all the name below, so happy scrolling down with full of picture here! haha…*Read the next few paragraph to know more happening on 10th july and 11th july*

BlogPost For 10/07/09, (Friday)
Was a heavy rainy friday day…After my school, i met up with Joyce Stella to have some discussion on the Birthday cake which will be represent during the 18th july BBQ party. We took taxi and went down to Bugis Junction B1 to have our lunch at [Uncle’s Kitchen] introduce by Joyce stella. Well, i ate their most popular food which was Fried Rice and after eating that, i can said that it was awesome! Especially the BBQ crispy chicken…Taste so sweet and delicious! Btw, the Taiwan Blubble Tea was great too!

Second Happening on Friday was, having a mini blogger gathering dinner…we called the ‘Zhi Char Dinner Gathering’ which organized by WeiJie. haha…After having starbuck at Tampines mall, Me and Joyce Stella went down to Bedok mrt station to wait for Joyce lim…We heading down to Bedok 85 hawker center to meet up with Yingzi, soon later Yingzi Friend,Nath,Weijie and JiaQi came. haha, the Table quite BIG for that Night…

Order Food Time, Basically everyone ate and share the same thing…haha we ordered, Bak chor mee, Satay, string ray and some drinks…Delicious Yummy Food everywhere! Nice dinner gathering with group of bloggers…And wanna thank to 2 joyce, the Lim and the Stella…haha thank for your meal! =)

After dinnering, ahead back to home…haha, preparing countdown-ing to my birthday which happen on the 11th july.

BlogPost on 11/07/09, (Saturday)

woohoo! 11th july, haha my big day!!! xD This year, i got 2 birthday fall on same day, The chinese and English birthday..Therefore it also called as ‘My 20th & 19th Birthday’! 12AM time, Birthday wish from SMS,Facebook,Blog Tag,NN Innit and Twitter! Thank people for the birthday wishing note!

Thank Stephen

The next day, still 11th july, woke up early and while waiting for the birthday cake to arrival. Me did a quick check out and reply all the birthday wishes i received. Followed by editing some picture which taken on the 10th july…Soon later, my cousin Qingyi came over my house to help me celebrate my birthday too…

Time around 12.30pm, cake arrival…haha, D24 durian cake from Emicakes shop…Bleah bleah bleah~wish,blow candles and cake cutting…! Nice mini celebration with family and the D24 durian cake was damn yummy! lols…Back to my comp, chat with some people first before aheading to marina area.

Time 4pm, we out with my cousin to makansurtan to have our dinner there and after tat followed by watching the NE show Performance/Firework. haha, second time watching NDP 2009 preview but it result turn out better than the first time i watched. In between time, i took some nice sky again! and also and huge Rainbow above the singapore flyer! wee~ xD

Unfortunately, just before the 1min firework started, suddenly heavy rain came down from sky!! lols, everyone ran into the shelter and but too late the firework start and everyone was somehow like complaining…lols..

After the NDP, my cousin went back home and i heading over to plaza sing to meet up with JianHao,Joyce stella,Don and Ming Hui. Setter down at someplace to chat first before going to National Museum to see performance and firework. bleah bleah~~ 10pm, decided to walk over to national museum…very rainy day!!! argh…lols…Reached SMU, we “hide” there first due to heavy rain. However, the performance started at 11pm…..and time around 11.30pm, firework started! Nice sparkling on the sky although it was very smoky at that time…hahaha…Alright we brought a Bubble Tea and we call it a day.

Thank You
My 20th & 19th Birthday celebration ended successfully! Was enjoying pretty much with bloggers/friends and family. Once again Thank everyone who had comment/tag/twit/msg me for the wishes, very glad and appreciate…I think by now i had reply all the msg… =) Coming up 18th July, the Birthday BBQ party celebration!

Check it out this web again for the updated detail…

Tats all for today
Thank for your reading and viewing! xD
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  1. Wah,smart lor. I give suggestion to my place,go down earlier to book a table,not forgetting that there was no table and I had to ask the uncle to specially open one for us. Then you never thank me also. Wahh,nice sia.

  2. YingZi, LOL! thank you la…but weijie should thank you behalf of everyone cos he the organizer!!! hahaha…

    Stephen: lols, thank anyway 😛

  3. Dusty: haha..nvm, you can always treat next time! 😛

    Ewin: Thank very much! ^^

    EV: thank you ev! haha…not big…is old liao…xD

    Devella: Thank you! haha…a piece of cake? ok…when u come sg den i give you 😛 hahaha