Hello Everyone! I’m Hong Peng (HP). Welcome to my official Hpility Blog Website! I know I been using Hpility for about this past 3 years, therefore Is time to reveal ‘Hpility’ this word meaning. Hpility is pronouns as HP Li Di (立地). It actually comes from my name and the combination of 2 Chinese words (立地). Well, if you guys go Google or check dictionary on 立地, it actually mean SITE. In this case, HP site which also known as HongPeng website.
‘Writing a Story with Reality, Sharing the world exist at Hpility’. My Personal Website Contain variety of topics and sharing things come from different places. If you are my daily reader, you guys should know that my common topic which you can see in my blog will be photography, events, contest, food and movie review, advertorial and Personal stuff.
Hello 大家好,欢迎来到 Hpility 部落格。 Hpility 这么念? 其实是念 (HP 立地) 的意思,然而立地也就是 SITE。所谓立地,也就是我在自己的部落格种下属于自己的约定。拥有部落格就像拥有自己的发挥空间,无时无刻把最好最美的景象带给大家分享。子要是我的读者读得开心,我就开心 🙂
这次部落格当中您会看到有点摇滚风格但并不完全是。如相機,膠卷,電吉他,等等。。。这些其实是有故事的,簡單地說是人生當中的一小小階段。写博客就像弹琴弹吉他玩音乐一样,总要有一丝好地开始,当弹下第一个音时,只好往前一步继续地弹下去,弹出完美的结局,把最好地献给大家。继续写一直写,诺 Life goes with Music (人生中的旋律),一但停了下来,事就要从头开始了。。眼前所看到的 Story 都会变成 History,而部落格就是最好的History 。
First of all, you see me holding an electric guitar, it mean ‘Pull the String and Rock Your Life!’ As a blogger, not always share the sad things in your blog post but it would be great that if your blog post is full of interesting life happening which make you memorable always in your mind. In mandarin [Blog] pronouns as ‘Bu Luo Ge’ (部落格), Therefore with my header above, ‘Pull the string and Rock your life!’ also stand for [Pull Rocker]. Hope my blog could rock your life after you have visited 🙂
Camera…Not really a camera, maybe shall name it as water proof digital video camera. In life, we capture lots of happening around us. It can be your interest in photography or it can be just simple memories of that moment. However, it shares the same meaning. For me, ‘I Share What I see’. My blog post always contain picture because it always tell the most words. 不管是喜怒哀樂,相機裡的照片永遠是最好的回憶,也是記憶中美好的回憶。
Special Thanks To:
Ripplewerkz & Nuffnang SG
Blog Author/ Text Editor:
Hong Peng (鴻鵬)