Blog I vote the most at #nnawards!
Hello people…Have you make a vote at nuffnang award website for your favourite blogger? if not, cast your vote @ http://awards.nuffnang.com/votes.php
5 nominees 1 winner….Who will win this awards? haha…before get into my Blog Post 2: Uniquely Singapore…Lets see the recent vote i did toward my fav. bloggers! However, this the last week to vote!! Dont miss out! Stay Tune for more interesting post coming up!
the image too small bro. can't see the blog name!
hmm..in tat case, try to spot their picture…haha so sry to say tat the size cant help xD
Hi Hong Peng
Thanks for the support of PassportChop.com for Best Travel Blog 🙂
You have several other good choices too for the other categories e.g. definitely Xiaxue for the Most Influential Blog :-p
ZQ: you're welcome ^^ haha..above i voted is i really support into it…nice blog and interesting news! including you! =D