Singapore Christmas 2009 Episode 1



  1. wow!!! great deco leh…i wish msia has such superb nice deco too~ hmmm..i wish to travel to spore and take many many pics over there o!!! love the ambience la..

    btw..cant wait to view more pics from you on the xmas deco..kindaly leave msg to me when you have newest post on the xmas deco ya~ thanks so much!!

  2. Lisa: Hey! Thank you for ur comment…haha hope one day u could visit singapore and yeah, will share as many xmas deco as i can take in sg! haha episode 2 photo has taken and will be post up soon ^^ stay tune! =)

  3. WoW! What a great christmas decoration! Must be a hugh party out there…. Looks like Hpility had a great time. Great post and keep it up. Hope to see more movie reviews soon, hahaha! 🙂

  4. T-Reviews: Yup^^ haha..more movie reviews coming up in dec! too many nice new movie to watch oready..haha cant wait them to be release! Christmas deco in sg..more picture coming up next ep! =D

  5. Zahidah: Thank you 🙂 Oh..Lot 1 shopping mall..haven been there since long time ago…shall visit..shall visit this time…haha… 🙂