Workers Party Rally at Yishun Stadium


Woohoo! Welcome back to my blog! Today I experienced the different kind of General Election Rally. Yup! Met Fenny at Khatib mrt station and we went to visit the Worker’s Party (WP) rally at Yishun Stadium.

Reached there about 6.40pm and was surprised that outside the stadium, there selling T-Shirt, Ice Cream, Finger Food and etc… lol… look abit like flea market… Brought a bottle of mineral water before went into the stadium and listen to their rally speech.

People there were very enthu into Opposition speech, you can hear shouting and cheering everywhere and people at there do give their best supportive.

It was our first time visiting the Opposition Party rally and the crowd turn up was out of my expected. I “wow” in the first place and continue to snap picture on the crowd there. haha some nice resident make way for me to capture those nice “Crowded” picture! Thank you very much! Haha *Btw I took these photo using my mobile phone*

This will be the crowd you will face if you attend the Worker’s Party Rally! hahaha Anyway, I’m going to attend few more rally in the coming week with friends… haha want to experience and know more about Singapore politics! Stay Tune for more picture!