Why You should go for NYP Open House 2013


Hi Readers! After studying at Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) for almost 3 years, I guess now is the time to tell you about my life there, especially since I attended NYP Open House today. It feels like yesterday when I was like the many visitors coming to NYP, looking for a suitable place to study.

NYP is a memorable place for me – everything from the beautiful water fountains I see every day, the food I eat during my break and the friendly lecturers who teach me and friends I met in school – have left an impression on me.

NYP provides quality education and the lecturers are professional and great at passing their knowledge on to students. Sometimes things felt stressful, but with the help of my classmates, I still managed to overcome the situation.

Me and my DMIT classmate after a group discussion

Friends Forever!

I am studying Multimedia & Infocomm Technology from the School of Engineering and after these 3 years of education, I have learnt the importance of ‘sharing’ and ‘teamwork’ through presentations and group projects. I felt very motivated to learn and study thanks to my friends. I feel that the skills and experiences I got from NYP will help me reach my goals in life. As a senior, I would like to encourage YOU to join NYP too!

Photo taken during Year 2011 Presentation!

5 Reasons why you should choose Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP):
1 – NYP has a wide range of courses. With 7 schools and 50 diploma courses, they have plenty to offer – For me, it was the Diploma in Multimedia & Infocomm.
2 – The studying and learning environment in NYP is friendly and relaxing.
3 – The food at NYP is affordable and delicious!
4 – NYP provides great technology and software. There is always a lot of new stuff available!
5 – The surroundings of NYP are beautiful and environmentally friendly.

Check out some photos of NYP Open House:

NYP has 7 schools and 50 diploma courses. Come find out the right one for you. The friendly staff can also guide you and answer your questions. Course Advising will also be available after the release of the ‘O’ level results . Remember to come down to NYP when you get your results! NYP offers many prestigious scholarships too! If you can get one, it will definitely help you in the future.

Course Advising Section

Photo with Dedrick Koh(Social Media Specialist), Deputy Principal (Academic) John Tan and Director (School Relations & Outreach) Santokh Singh.

For NYP Open House 2013, let me introduce you to the School of Information Technology (SIT) and School of Engineering (SEG).

Welcome to School of Information Technology (SIT)

SIT Students learn to develop for new and emerging technology

Group photo at School of Information Technology

Creative Balloon at the School of Information Technology

3D Cube!

Photo with students from School of Information Technology

School of Engineering (SEG)

Welcome to School of Engineering (My School!!!)

I am impressed by the 3D printer students will get to use!

Photo with my Juniors and a Lecturer from SEG – (DMIT)

Photo of the CCAs performing. There’s lots of interesting things to do at NYP. The student life here is awesome! I hope you will like it!

There also lots of great facilities at NYP too. I will miss this place when I graduate.

Photo with friends at Whacky Photobooth – Stand a chance to win $50 H&M Vouchers and NYP T-Shirts at the Whacky Photo booth! You can also get a free Chupa Chup if you ‘Like’ the NYP facebook page.

In conclusion of my trip to NYP Open House 2013, I would like to say that things keep improving every year. NYP offers many courses for students of all interests. The facilities keep getting better, and if you are lucky enough to get in, I hope you enjoy studying there as much as I have!

You can still visit NYP Open House on the 7th and 8th Jan from 11am-6pm daily. Remember to ‘Like’ the NYP facebook page and visit their blog to Discover why NYP is awesome.