When Freedom come, Stress Gone


Hello people! welcome back to my blog! Woohoo… what a great weekday and weekend i have for the past one week! Yes today this blog post is official blog live update at the time of 7.36pm, Monday. Why i say so? Because for the previous few blog post was scheduled and its due to my examination period.

If you have follow my twitter or facebook, you guys will know that last 2 week i was preparing my major examination… Almost everyday woke up early in the morning just to prepare and get myself ready for study.

Although i say before ‘beer keep me awake’ but sometime, coffee the best drink to keep me awake at all time… Until now i haven try the Koi coffee yet… any recommend? haha

Exam period is a very critical period whereby you don’t study then that’s it.. Pass or Fail or the grades, result depend on you to control. Burning midnight oil to do those revision on important subject.

However, the exam day still come and pass very fast. Today was my final paper which mean last day of exam. Officially having long-term break now… What is my plan for my holiday? not oversea i guess because its not the right time. There are many happening around me in Singapore! haha…

Play to the max! Actually not really play, its just some outing with friends or attending more event within my holiday days itself. Time could not return to the past previous years but will treasure the current year and keep looking forward… Hopefully one day we will be standing on the same track again…

Of course i must have fun to the max too. An outing without fun is not going to be an enjoying day. Going out more, taking more photo and trying out new thing to make my life more interesting. *Never let your party stop* Have fun!

Yes! Everything must keep control with the limit of 5…. Who, where, when, what, why. Always think before you make a decision. It might be the longer distant to you but you will never regret choosing it. Forever doesn’t mean together.

Above picture all thanks to [wallpaper.net], more interesting blog post coming up, stay tune and visit back this blog again! Thanks everyone for spending time reading this live update #personal blog post.

Tats all for today!
Thanks for your reading and viewing!
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