Useful Tips to Find Part Time Jobs in Singapore


What to do after graduating from a student life? I guess the best way to kill time and earn some money is to find part time jobs! Here comes to a point for me to share some useful tips in finding part time jobs in Singapore.

Singapore is a developed country and jobs opportunities are all-rounded. Therefore finding part time jobs in Singapore is not an issue, especially part time jobs for students. However, we always find jobs that tag along with our interest, because this is a kind of spirit that motivates us to keep on working for our bright future career.

Knowing that most of the fresh graduate students lack real working life experience, therefore this is where part time jobs comes in to build up their self-confidence, knowledge as well as to enhance their job skills. When it comes to finding part time jobs, people always have a difficulty in deciding the job they want. Hence, below here are the useful tips that able to guide you to find good part time jobs Singapore opportunities.

7 Tips for Finding Part Time Jobs in Singapore:

Online Research using Job Search Engines:
We are living in the era of internet and it is the online most powerful tools. While using job search engines, it enables you to search quickly for part time jobs in your location. In this case, the keyword you need to use is “Part Time Jobs Singapore” or “Part Time Jobs for Students”

Create A Strong Resume:
I believe that regardless whether you are finding full time or part time jobs, you need a good resume to showcase your profile, experience and expertise. Always remember that this world is competitive!

Know Your Job Interest:
Knowing your job interest is important because you do not want to end up working in an uncomfortable environment.

Know When You can Work:
Part time jobs sometimes do not have fix working hours and days. Therefore, most of the time you may be asked what days and hours you are available to work, so have your personal schedule ready when you apply.

Be Flexible:
During the school holidays season, many employers are putting in extra hours to meet the demands of their business. If you are a flexible worker, this will increase your chances of getting the part time job.

Friendships & Professional Connections:
In reality, it is a fact that not all job openings in Singapore are advertised online. Thus, promoting yourself by leveraging on your friendships and professional connections will help you to increase your chances of landing the job that you want

Keep Track and Follow Up:
We usually apply for jobs to several companies. It is a good practise to make a list of the companies you have applied to. Simply take note of the name person you have spoken to and this will make it easy for you when you get on a follow-up via phone call.

I hope the tips above will allow you to find good part time jobs in Singapore. The income earned from your part time job can help to settle your monthly bills, alternatively if your job scope is related to your interests, you may also take it as a portfolio start-up base to build up your resume you’re your future career. Cheers! ^^