Businesses have always worked hand in hand with the government to ensure regulations and requirements for their continued operations are being met. This includes obtaining necessary trading licenses, paying their taxes in a timely manner, applying for permits for their workers, and other government transactions. Thanks to technology, Singapore business owners can now accomplish all of this and more through Corppass.
Corppass is a corporate digital identity that allows businesses and organisations in the city-state to conveniently carry out government-to-business (G2B) transactions online. Local organisations with a Unique Entity Number (UEN) and foreign entities with the necessary documents are eligible to sign up for an account. When using Corppass e services, businesses are able to give access to various key individuals in their organisation by assigning them roles that they can then use to accomplish certain tasks.
Corppass Roles and Functions
Having specific roles under your Corppass system means being able to delegate responsibilities among those with access in an efficient manner. This allows each level to accomplish what government transactions they may have while ensuring that certain functions are only available for higher-tier roles for security purposes. The following are the roles that can be created in Corppass.
- Registered Officer (RO)
Your company’s Registered Officer is the key individual who is registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). Take note that they don’t necessarily need to have a Corppass account (unless they wish to also take on the role as Corppass admin), just that their name is the one noted in ACRA’s records. The RO has the ability to approve the creation of a Corppass admin account, who, in turn, can start creating other accounts.
ROs are usually the business owner, CEO, or corporate secretary of a company. Remember to take great care in deciding who will be your entity’s RO as the role is crucial for documentation purposes and in having a seamless approval process for your admin accounts.
- Corppass Admin
A Corppass admin has the ability to create other Corppass accounts that they can assign to various individuals in the organisation. They can also manage G2B transactions for the business they represent. Corppass admins are usually the COO, CFO, or the company’s human resources director. To sign up for an account, a potential Corppass admin must be a Singapore resident and must possess a SingPass account. As mentioned earlier, they must also have the approval of their entity’s RO.
In addition to being able to create other accounts, this role can view the details of ongoing transactions as well. This allows them to track the progress of government transactions being made on behalf of the entity they represent.
- Sub-admin
Should the task of the admin prove to be too much, they can choose to appoint a sub-admin to help them with managing the current Corppass accounts under the business or organisation. This role can be created directly by the admin and does not require approval from the RO.
Like the admin, the sub-admin is able to manage and create roles in the platform. They can, of course, carry out digital government transactions as well. Essentially, they have the function that an admin would have except that they require an appointment by the admin first.
- Enquiry User
A Corppass enquiry user role can be created by either the admin or the sub-admin. Those who fall under this role are able to conduct digital transactions and view the details of the entity’s Corppass system. They are, however, unable to create any accounts or assign roles. This role may be suitable for individuals who will need access to check ongoing transactions but have no need to manage other Corppass accounts.
- User
The Corppass user is the most basic role in the system, able to carry out G2B transactions yet without particular admin-related functions. These roles are usually for your company’s payroll officer, accountant, or human resources.
Advantages of Corppass
Having a Corppass account is a must for any Singaporean business as it streamlines any transaction needed to be done with the government. Filing corporate taxes or applying for licences need not be a complicated process anymore as it can now be done through your business’s corresponding Corppass account.
Corppass also affords companies and their employees with better data protection. The inclusion of roles with various functions means certain details can only be viewed by those with the appropriate roles, allowing for privacy as necessary.
Moreover, Corppass allows entities better control over who is doing which government transactions on behalf of their company. Since accounts can be created for various users, your Corppass admin can just as easily delegate which individuals should be in charge of which digital transactions to ensure smooth workflow and transparency.
With the help of Corppass, you can now transact with the government in a more efficient and secure way. Be sure to review the roles and responsibilities of various Corppass users as discussed in this article to ensure you’re appointing the right people as you get your business signed up today.