Uncle Wedding Ceremony Part 2: Registry of Marriages at Ministry of National Development


Hi readers! Welcome back to my blog! It’s Sunday weekend, the family day and today will be sharing blog post about my uncle wedding ceremony Part 2: ROM (Registry Of Marriage) which held at Ministry of National Development (MND) located at Maxwell Road.

It’s a happy day whereby family members and friends were there for being the witnesses of my uncle ROM. Well, as a part memories, we took some photo while waiting for my uncle to enter the Registry of Marriage room. *Check out the photo below here*

Here the ROM room. First time in my life entering this room with my family members. haha.. The witnesses, groom and bride was told to have a sit before the lawyer say out her speech. *quite cool* as for me, i am busying taking photo around the places.. haha…

Speech ceremony started and law to be follow and repeat before they can receive the word “official”. Took couple of minutes to complete the procedure and as time past…

Groom and Bride finally received their ‘Official Married’ Certificate!

As we went out of the room and took a group photo before i call it a day! haha.. Nice experience to attend my uncle ROM. Next, for my Uncle Wedding Ceremony Part 3 will be sharing about the wedding outdoor photoshoot. Stay Tune people! *Smile*