To kick off with the excitement for the Singapore Airlines International Cup 2015 happening on the 17 May 2015, Sunday. Today, Singapore Turf Club (STC) has took over the Ion Orchard event hall for Singapore International Racing Festival 2015 Roadshow.
This festival roadshow has showcase 14 gorgeous turf belles and public can have a chance to try out the exciting line-up activities such as riding on the horse simulator and horseshoe pitching competition.
All proceeds from the sales of caps and the simulator rides will be donated to the Club’s adopted charity, Melrose Home (managed by Children’s Aid Society) to provide essential funding towards the charity’s Food Fund to assist with the children’s daily meal needs.
If you are interested to attend the Singapore Airlines International Cup 2015 happening on the 17 May 2015, Sunday @ Singapore Turf Club, do visit this website to book your ticket and package now! –