[January Blogger – Joey Ong]
Get rewarded by Travelling Early! Lifestyle blogger’s Joey Ong will tell you the 5 reasons to travel during Off-Peak Hours in Singapore! Let’s have a comfortable ride from today! Read More: http://goo.gl/ic57U2
[February Blogger – Hong Peng]
Riding the MRT without paying at all? Really? The Land Transport Authority has extended the Free Pre-Peak Travel scheme till 30 June 2016. For those “early-bird” commuters, you may now travel to the city via the train for FREE as long as you tap-out of the selected MRT stations before 7.45am! Read More:
[March Blogger – CK Chai]
Corporate Life Isn’t That Bad After All! Do propose to your HR department if your company has not yet jumped onto the bandwagon. This will definitely be a win-win situation for both the company and employees; employees will be motivated to reach office earlier whilst enjoying greater benefits from Corporate-tier TSR! Read More:
[April Blogger – Meryl Loh]
It Pays To Avoid The Rush Hour Crowds (Off-Peak Travel Perks)! The Travel Smart Network (TSN), launched in July 2014, is an initiative by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) in Singapore to ease peak hour travel congestion and provide a more sustainable mode of travel to commuters. Read More:
[May Blogger – Emily Chong]
Passport to Greater Benefits! Moving from one destination to another is never hard for anyone in Singapore. Being known as one of the most convenient cities around the world, many places are easily accessible by public transportation and it’s pretty easy to move about in Singapore regardless of whether you are a local or a foreigner. Read More: