Sukiyaki Buffet at Marina Square


Sukiyaki Buffet Dinner

Hello people! Welcome back and welcome the first day of march 2010! Time fly fast, another month down…haha, More happening coming up in march, hope it will be more fun as day goes by! xD

Yesterday, went out with Jerome and Jianhao for our sukiyaki buffet dinner located at marina square. We celebrated 3 things…First was we had being brothers for 7-8 years, second was last day of CNY and thirdly was last day of feb 2010! lols…3 in 1.

This our first time having sukiyaki buffet at marina square…As usual, Japanese the main food you can see there…Sushi the best! haha i love eating sushi since young! hehe…More sushi please!! ^^

Oh yeah! Jianhao was our chef yesterday, therefore he help us to cook all the raw Japanese food, whereas Jerome and i was waiting for the food to be cooked and get ready to eat. haha…His cooking skill not bad eh..!

Opps…Below here the picture of the food was OVERCOOKED! CHAOTAH liao…Inexperience in cooking of raw food…Need time to learn…haha but the ChaoTah food still taste not bad…lols

Went over to food section to get some raw food…haha i think we did ate for 3-5 round…Leftover was clear by Jianhao…

Overall, was enjoying eating happily at sukiyaki…Their service toward customer was good too…haha…After our last dish, i call it a day.

Tats all for today!
Thanks for your reading and viewing!
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