SITEX Fair 2010 Day 3


It’s end of year IT show (SITEX 2010) which held at Singapore expo and have you grab any gadget from there? Today, Day 3 of Sitex fair, met my previous schoolmate, Fazil, to this sitex fair event. It’s been super long since our last meet which was a year back…!

As usual, crowded with people and things were selling cheaper and cheaper. Well, nothing much interest me this time round except the latest xbox360 – Kinect. Everyone want to try out the xbox360 game without using any controller to control your game! haha.. Reason is because you, yourself is a controller of the game. Cool!

Above were some of the photo taken during my sitex visit today… I shall end my #997 post here… Need to have a good rest and prepare to face the challenge coming up in next few days!