Presidential Election 2011 Results: Tony Tan


27th August is the day for you as a Singaporean to cast a vote again! In the year of 2011 Presidential Election Singapore, which TAN will win? Anyway let’s check out some interesting Presidential Election news before the result release by Mr. Yam Ah Mee!

Live Update [12.08AM – 28th Aug 2011]

It has been 4 hours! Everyone is waiting for the final result, rumors saying the leading vote but who will be the official president in this Election? The result is very close between Tony Tan and Tan cheng bock!!! Exciting match tonight but is a long night! ^^

Live Update [12.35AM – 28th Aug 2011]

According to twitter/social media update from TodayOnline and ChannelNewsAsia, the result still in the unconfirmed state and latest news saying that it recount again! I wonder how many recount they did and I guess the result will be out very soon… Everyone is waiting for Mr Yam Ah Mee right? Hahaha

Live Update [1.45AM – 28th Aug 2011]

Its nearly 6 hours, the voting result still not unveil due to repeat of recount situation… Everyone just have to stay awake for this moment!

Live Update [2.52AM – 28th Aug 2011]

“Tan GuGu! Tan Ah Tan!”…. In English which means “wait LONG LONG!” This time we really wait super long, unexpected of the several recounts and I wonder Mr. Yam Ah Mee is resting or rehearsal his speech at this timing? Haha… Hard work to all the Media reporter too! Drink more coffee to keep yourself awake k! *Cheers*

Singapore Presidential Election 2011 Final Result:

Congratulation to Tony Tan who won the 7th Singapore Presidential Election 2011! It was a very close fight within the result between Tan Cheng Bock! Below here are the confirmations voting result after 8 hours of waiting and several of recounts:

Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam : 744397, votes 35.19%

Tan Cheng Bock : 737128, votes 34.85%

Tan Jee Say : 529732, votes 25.04%

Tan Kin Lian : 103931, votes 4.91%

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