Singapore General Election Rally Finale: PAP Rally at Tampines Stadium


Hi Everyone! If you have followed my twitter, you guys will know what recent happening in Singapore! Yes! I have been attending many different parties of Singapore General Election rallies and glad that I’m enjoying all the rally speech by the MP’s.

Tampines PAP Supporter very united!

Their Enthusiasm admired me from knowing the facts

Today was the Singapore GE Rallies Finale and different part of Singapore was having their final rally regarding parties from PAP or Opposition. Likewise, for me, as a resident of Tampines, I went to visit the PAP rally at Tampines stadium today.

However, all I want to say is that, Singapore GE Rallies this year is really awesome! Been attending different parties rallies and knew their election strategies. Some are interesting some are boring but yet its a learning point for everyone to realise what going to happen in Singapore for the next five years! Do remember to cast your vote wisely and don’t gamble your vote for your better future! 🙂