Singapore Entertainment Awards 2011


Singapore Entertainment Awards (新加坡e乐大赏2011庆功派对) held one week back at Singapore Indoor Stadium. Many Fans was there to gather and celebrate with their favourite idols performing on stage.

However, thanks to Jack Lim and Terence for the special invite to SEA 2011 this year and at the same time also thanks to William who contributed the sharp and clear picture in this post!

Red Carpet

The introducing of SEA2011 started with the dance group from ‘Celine Jessandra! Awesome dance they performed on stage, especially they danced almost all the popular Korean pop song, eg like Super Junior – ‘sorry sorry’, Shinee – ‘Lucifer’, SNSD – ‘hoot’ and etc…

My twitter did mention about i went to SEA 2011 to support my favourite artists! Yes! Here come the first one which was Huang Jing Lun (黃靖倫) one of my favourite idols! Talented Singaporean pop singer and I like his song ‘月光’ very much!

The next artist I supported was Xiao Gui (黃鴻升)!

Congrats Irene Ang – Fly Entertainment!

Their performance on stage was just like having a concert! It was great to see many audience and fans from different part of world live cheering and screaming for them. I pretty enjoyed all the performance by all the artist on stage too! haha..

Lollipop F 棒棒堂

Kpop Se7en!! omg *Scream*!!! lol! Yup! I’m a kpop Fans and Se7en was one of my idol too. ‘Digital Bounce’ was a very catchy song in mind and I guess many people like it too… ‘Digital Bounce’, ‘Digital Sound’ ‘Digital X’, ‘Welcome to Digital World’.

Kpop Se7en Got his Award!

Singapore Entertainment Awards (新加坡e乐大赏2011庆功派对) officially ended. All the performance artists were back on stage again to give a goodbye speech before they call it a day. It was a high night after all and hopes to meet up with those artists one day. *Smiles*


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