Segway Ride: Haunting of Blakang Mati at Sentosa Island

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Its Night time, what you guys doing out there? A cold wind had just passed through your surrounding and now my turn to ask you this question… Have you ride a Segway before? If no, here is your good opportunity to have a Segway ride at Sentosa Segway Eco Adventure.

Last Friday, I had a great meet up with the GlitteratiPlus Bloggers and we were told to use the Segway ride to explore the Haunting of Blakang Mati at Sentosa Island. It wasn’t an easy task for us to complete without our friendly and bloody harmfulness tour guide.

Before we explore the island, we were told to train how to ride a Segway in a mini solid soil field. This was my first time riding a Segway and the process of riding a Segway wasn’t difficult for me. Learning how to control the speed movement as well as the balance standing position was a good experience to me.

Attention everyone! There are rule and regulation to follow before riding on the Segway! Safety comes first! Fun comes second and Photo taking comes third!

Segway park under the leave-less tree

Let the president lead you the way

However, after couple of minute of rehearsal, we were ready for the horrify night haunting of Blakang Mati! The darkness sky covering the moon over the Sentosa Island, surrounding me was filled with loneliness tree and leaves and it started to feel terror as the road getting darker and darker.

One of my groups member’s Qian Hui had put up the courage and volunteered herself to do the horror markup on her face. Good Job! 😀

“Never look back when someone is calling your name at night” Our tour guide acted professionally, having a mysterious eyes looking and trying to detect where the terrifying ghost will appear. People were getting worried and nervous but our ride won’t stop till the last station.

Every stop contain a certain history of Blakang Mati and I carried my anxiety feeling riding through the whole journey, passing through the obstacle being make, hearing the Eerie sound among ourselves and capturing down the unnatural moment with my own eyes. Thus, the tour gives you a painful emotion of fear while you are hesitating with your own mind.

Last but not least, I could say that this is an exciting fright night tour at the Sentosa Island. You may gain some new historical knowledge and at the same time learning how things is fated and also enable you to overcome your courage in competing the mission! With this, I got my certificate in passing through all the fear! *YAY*

For your more information, Segway Eco-Adventure located just right beside the beach station. Are you ready to overcome your fear? Go have a ride now! I believe you will love the unearthly experience! *Smiles*