Hello people! Woohoo..Super High now! Because today my post will have Super Junior Picture!! If you have follow my twitter, you guys will realize i did attend Singtel & Samsung Galaxy S Press Conference together with over hundred of media people! Thanks Pat for the invitation!
First of all, was told to register at the registration booth to get my media pass…haha Yup! Is media pass and you need this powerful pass in order to enter the press conference area and also the Super Junior galaxy showcase.
Press Conference talks about new launch of Samsung Galaxy S and also explain how the Galaxy S phone work in the market place. I find it quite cool because its a smart life phone and it total related to my school project (smart home) which I’m doing now! haha…*Taken down quite a number of notes to implement into my project*
After the introducing by Singtel executive vice president and Samsung managing director, Next coming up on stage was Super Junior!! *Scream* lols… Every where you will see camera flash infront of stage. *Korean pop Super Junior really cool*
與其說我用 blogger 的身份出席 Galaxy S 記者會,不如說我已小小的記者身份出席!哈哈。。。Yes! First time seeing over hundred of professional media people, including journalist reporter crew from different media company… 他們的專業真的是讓我大開眼界!
Overall, an hours of press conference goes very successful and whats next? Is Super Junior Showcase!!! Prepare to see my next blog post which will be talking about Super Junior Showcase in Singapore located at Marina Bay Sands! Stay Tune! 🙂
Wah..must be quite an experience
Linjie: haha Yup! Awesome experience ever =D