Practical Tips To Care For Your Pets While In Quarantine

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Care For Your Pets

The world needs to pause and be on a standstill after governments of different countries ordered their citizens to go on a quarantine to halt the spread of COVID-19. Hence, most members of a household need to remain indoors to stay safe and avoid contracting the potentially deadly virus. While not everyone is happy about the lockdown and the sudden change in their routine, the furry members of the family could be enjoying the fact that their human pals will finally spend more time with them at home.

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However, due to limited movements during these times, some dogs and cats would also experience anxiety and stress, especially since they can no longer enjoy their daily walk at the park. They also must remain healthy during the quarantine since some of the veterinary clinics had to stop their operations. Fortunately, it is easy to find an online pet store these days, where pet parents can get all their needs without leaving home.

To make sure that your dogs and cats will stay happy and healthy during these uncertain times, here are several tips to take care of your pets while in quarantine.

Exercise Regularly

While taking your dog for a walk around the block is no longer permitted, you can still let them have their daily physical activity by walking them at home. If you have space in your yard, it would be possible to run all over the place at least once a day. If you live in an apartment or a condominium, you may check out an online pet store for dog toys to play throw and chase in your unit. Running all over the house could serve as their temporary exercise while you remain stuck indoors.

Prepare All Necessities

Animal welfare experts recommend stocking up on all pet essentials that could last for at least a month. As much as possible, you need to have enough food, medicines, and water that they will consume during the quarantine. Know what is good for your dog to eat and what can be poisonous food for dogs. You must also keep your furry pal’s updated vaccination record in an easy-to-reach place so you can access it when needed. It will also help if you put the number of your trusted veterinarian on your phonebook, so you can call them right away in case of an emergency.

Follow Quarantine Protocols

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, a 2006 study looked into the potential role of household pets in the transmission of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003. The study learned that quarantine could help curb possible disease transmission from household pets. Since knowledge about COVID-19 remains limited at this time, you need to follow the quarantine rules to protect yourself and your pet from the virus that infected at least 3.85 million and killed nearly 270,000 globally.

Observe Proper Hygiene

To curb the virus spread, the World Health Organisation recommends adopting proper hygiene at all times. You must observe this for your pets as well. Social distancing does not only apply to humans at this time but to domestic pets as well.

As much as possible, you must not allow other people or animals to get in contact with your pet at the moment. You must also keep your hands clean and sanitised before touching your pet, since the virus may get in contact with their fur. If an infected person touches your pet and transfers their respiratory droplets in their fur, they can spread the virus on any surface that gets in contact with your pet.

Taking care of your pet during the quarantine period does not have to be complicated. As long as you practice proper precautions and keep them physically and mentally busy at all times, you and your pet will enjoy your time together. You will have to wait for the time when you can safely walk outdoors again without the risk of getting infected.