Pirates of The Caribbean On Stranger Tides 3D Movie Gala Premiere


Hi Readers! Welcome back to my blog! Woohoo this month have many public holiday, I like it! Haha… Yesterday evening, met my classmate Justin and we attended the Walt Disney, “Pirates of The Caribbean On Stranger Tides” 3D movie Gala Premiere and The officially Grand Opening of Shaw Theaters Lido at Shaw Lido Imax.

My first time entering the brand new Shaw Lido after they had Renovated, the design of level 5 Shaw House look really cool and I can say that it was a great improve compare to the last time Shaw Lido.

Well, since my first time visiting, likewise using this chance to snap with their wall photo of the Grand Opening Shaw Theaters Lido before collecting my Pirates of The Caribbean tickets.

There were several of media companies giving out the gala premiere tickets and as for mine, thanks to Nuffnang for the tickets! Took some picture with my friends and…… I took a picture with Captain Jack Sparrow!!! Cool right? lol

Picture with William – Thanks to his DSLR photo!

Picture with schoolmate Justin!

Yeah! As my twitter and facebook said, Pirates of The Caribbean On Stranger Tides best part of this movie was the mermaids scene! Astrid Berges Frisbey make a great cast as a mermaid too! haha… Fountain of Youth and the tears of mermaid… What happen to Capt. Jack Sparrow and the mermaids? You gonna catch this awesome movie this week! I rate this movie 4/5 stars.