OldTown White Coffee by Mark Lee


Old Town White Coffee

Hello people! Welcome back here! Feel like long time no blog after busying with school project…But Good News to say that i had almost finish my FYP! 95% complete, just left with 5% on report..4 more days left! haha

Today will be sharing Old Town white coffee which i went for my coffee session with Minghui and Joyce since 2 week ago! lols…First time step into Old Town White Coffee, it give me a ‘back to home’ feel…And do you guys know that, it actually open by one of the artists called Mark Lee.

3 different way of seating arrangement, suitable for family and friends to have their coffee session…Pretty cool environment they have and one important thing is that, their service toward customers was fast and good too..haha…

Here the menu for foods and drinks…Variety choices for people to choose…Their quality of food seem not bad…worth to give a try on it! xD

Here MingHui ordering food…20 cups coffee…Thank you! lols

Foods and Drinks We ordered

This my mocha white coffee! Like their coffee, taste really nice!

Pretty enjoyed to have my coffee session at OldTown White Coffee…Other than service was good, their price per cup of coffee is reasonable…Compare to starbucks, OldTown White Coffee sell much more cheaper! haha…Overall, i rated 8/10 stars! No regret after visiting! *thumb up* ^^

Old Town white coffee located at Cineleisure Level 1
Nearest Mrt station: Somerset
Visit their official Site: OldTown

Tats all for today!
Thanks for your reading and viewing!
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  1. The first time I tried Old Town White Coffee was actually in Malaysia – Batu Pahat! But a pity I didn't try their coffee (how contradicting) but now I know there's another one in Singapore! Shall go try soon though I'm not an avid fan of coffee! :p

  2. I was chatting with one of my friend in KL. He mentioned abt Old Town White coffee too! Haha. I shall go and try the white coffee! Is the toast there nice anot? 🙂 your mocha looks good wor!