Woohoo! What is happening on last Tuesday? Yup! It’s Singapore Birthday, Happy 46th Birthday to Singapore once again! So where you guys do celebrated your national day? Well, for me I celebrated at Marina Promontory together with Clarence and a group of student from NUS (National University of Singapore).
I had a very different national day celebration this year; despite of being celebrating with family, I had chosen to celebrate with friends at Marina Bay. Thanks to URA for the media invitation and allowing me to cover the NUSSU Rag and Flag event.
As my previous post explain about NUSSU Rag and Flag activities and a post-event blog post about the NDP 2011 fireworks, today, I will be sharing the happening about NUSSU Rag & Flag which I attended last Tuesday. Cool to say that this was my first time seeing many big group of NUS student united as one with the enthusiastic feeling celebrating the national day.
NUS student came out with many different type of ideas by making the Marina Bay into a very lively and exciting place. Attracting local as well as the tourists, seeing what going on, what happening on stage and etc…
Thus, with the mood of national day celebration, I can see the hard work putted on by the NUS student, they spent their time preparing for this major event and give audience a different view while visiting the Marina Bay. Likewise, highlight of the event itself also attracted youngster to think that, “WOW” how can this happen, yet it has happened.”
Highlight performance such as Kpop dance from CJ (Celine Jessandra School of Performing Arts) members had also came down to support the NUS Rag by performing their wonderful Kpop dance choreography in front of thousand of audience too.
Well, the event end about 5.30pm and then continue with the NDP 2011 live screening. Lastly, I could say that Clarence and I enjoyed the scenery and the nice close up look at the certain performance stages as well as the awesome fireworks this year! You guys may Click this link to continue viewing the fireworks blasting moment… *Smiles*