Nuffnang Ganbatte Japan Charity Event


Woot! It’s Saturday! Met up with Priscilla and few bloggers to visit the flea market organized by Nuffnang at Park Royal Hotel Ballroom. It’s a charity flea event whereby all profits will be donated to Singapore Red Cross for relief efforts in Japan.

While i was resting at one corner, i secretly captured this photo.. haha why? It look some how like a fortune teller is giving his fortune-telling to the people who seated there.. lol..

After awhile, we decided to do our charity part by playing cards game. Melissa introduced us a new game which we never play before called ‘sabotage game’. It sound interesting and we were having fun after all. hahaha.. Kevin and I won this game! Yay! ^^ hehehe…

I am the Sabotage!

Next, we proceed on to the next game, Monopoly Deal and this time round. Joyce, Donn and Eleanor had joined in the game too! Pretty exciting while waiting for who turns and knowing what next move going to be of your opponent. Donn won in this game!

Throughout the flea market charity event, I hope nuffnang had raise as many fund as possible! Ganbatte Japan!! がんばって日本! We took a last photo before we left and I call it a day.