Nuffnang Bloggers Symposium


Nuffnang Bloggers Symposium

Welcome back to my blog! Here my Nuffnang Bloggers Symposium Blog Post (Full Version). If you have followed my twitter, you guys will know i attended this fun event last saturday at Singapore Management University (SMU) *Scroll down to see the fun* ^^

Singapore Version ‘Big Mouth’ (大嘴巴)

Saturday Morning, met up with JianHao and William heading to SMU. Didn’t know that we reached there too early but its ok, we registered our name first before we walked around the school area.

Here the goodies bag!

Nuffnang Symposium Registration Booth

Me and William were looking at this banner below while waiting for the rest bloggers to come…Those were happiness moment picture shown on the banner…Nice to see those picture too…haha

Oh…William found one of this photo on the banner but he trying his best to find another one which call “Happiness Eggs photo”. lols, too bad at the end of day he still cant find…

If you were there, i bet you have voted for your favourite Happiness Photo. Top 5 chosen and 1 will be the winner of the day. I voted for [B] which was the picture below. Reason i voted for [B] because capture a great happiness moment for kids is not easy…However, the owner of this photo had named as ‘Innocent is Happiness’. I find it quite true too and like it alots! I think everyone like it too, cause he the winner overall! haha

Photo with William

Photo with Mei Yan

Before enter the Auditorium at (School of Accountancy Kong Si), We were told to take a photo at the wall of canon and nuffnang background (The first picture of this blog post). Collected a copy of photo at [Photo Collection Booth].

This how the Auditorium look like…haha first time entering and it seem like a lecture hall to me…lols, *camwhore in auditorium*

The event started with a welcome speech by Nuffie Hui Wen and followed by showcase the Top 5 photographer picture on screen and some introduction speech of their photo.

Tea Break Time! Woohoo…Everyone chiong out for foods and drinks! lols…The queue was super long….Thanks William for capturing some nice image before getting the foods. haha…Have Chicken wing, Sushi and etc…


I like this!

Joanna, Me and Ivan

After Tea Break, Is workshop or you can called it as ‘Mini Lecture Time’…I am under Xiaxue workshop together with Joanna and Ivan. *Full house lor* haha

Environment feel like having lecture right? Some more with lecture notes on photoshop by Xiaxue. It reminds me of first day having photoshop lecture in school…haha…But this workshop i attended was the fun lecture ever! hahaha…

Know your best angles!

Most classic moment on editing Kenny Sia picture! Xiaxue used Kenny sia photo to do some ‘make up’ in it and make him look very ‘pretty’. lols i know is very pretty, if not, everyone wont take out their camera, capturing the live editing on screen..haha

Before the events end, Elaine was on stage introducing a new web [JiPaBan], the social online shopping. Is by nuffnang and it will be launching out soon. After all, ending speech by hui wen once again and we took a big group photo before i call it a day.

Overall, Singapore first bloggers symposium by Nuffnang was very successful. Glad to know more about Canon s90 camera too. Nice to see many bloggers along this event, especially new and old faces…haha….Btw, more picture coming up in next post! Stay Tune!

Tats all for today!
Thanks for your reading and viewing!
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