New Year 2016 Resolutions


Welcome to the New Year 2016, a new chapter for everyone and a new beginning for every dream. To kick off my very first blog post in year 2016, probably I would like to share how I spend my first two day of year 2016 (a bit bored, nothing much happening) and maybe some of my New Year resolution (maybe a bit interesting).

My first delicious dessert in year 2016!

It was an amazing weekend whereby I got to meet up with many of my good friends, spending the rainy and cooling night countdown to welcome the new year at the Esplanade by the Bay as well as admiring the spectacular fireworks display when the clock strike 12.

I believe it is always good to meet up with blogger friends apart from attending event, to maintain a good relationship and friendship. I am glad that to meet up with few of my blogger friends this weekend in this New Year. Today, visited my first orchard pedestrian night in 2016.

So, recently my social media seeds have been pop up with New Year resolution posted by my friends and followers. Here are my resolutions for this year.

  1. Find a girlfriend! (LOL ok this year I put as my first resolution)
  2. Continue to travel around the world
  3. Expand my blogging network, relationship and committee
  4. Hopping Hpility SG to receive more sponsorship
  5. Continue to upgrade my social media and videography skills
  6. Writing my very own book and to be release in year 2017
  7. Hope to have more work opportunity with overseas friends
  8. To earn more and more money

What to expect Hpility SG upcoming blog articles:

  • Future of Us Exhibition
  • Chinese New Year 2016 recommended goodies
  • Happy Plugs Wireless Speakers
  • Useful Travel Safety Tips
  • Le Spa Review
  • Travel Smart Reward Tips and Review
  • Transformation of Singapore Dollar Note Designs