NDP 2014: Happy 49th Birthday to Singapore


Hello everyone! Singapore National Day is around the corner, have you guys gotten your national day parade 2014 tickets? ^^ Couple of weeks back, together with a group of lifestyle bloggers, I am lucky to get invited to the see the National Day Parade (NDP) 2014 combine rehearsal at Marina Bay Floating platform and concurrently we also visited their behind-the-scenes preparation for this big event.

Yup! Not to mention that it was my first and last time watching National Day Parade at Floating Platform @ Marina Bay. As the new stadium had constructed, the following upcoming NDP will be held at there. With this golden opportunity given, I managed to catch behind-the-scenes of NDP 2014 rehearsal, from air force to Navy and followed by Army. Three combinations of Air, Land and Sea performance had gave audiences a spectacular view of this year NDP. Check out the video below here and continue reading my post! ^^

Had a Joyful RHIB ride with the Navy Team!

Yeah! Cool pose at NDP Behind the Scenes!
Thanks for the photo-taking opportunity with the operators!

War Zone ~! xD

Getting ready for command

Without further a do, let’s proceed on to the actual NDP 2014 Combine Rehersal 3!

As time passed under the hot sun and we were directed to collect our NDP goodies bag and followed by entering the floating platform. It was super crowded because the combine rehearsal 3 (CR3) was open for invited guest too.

Photo with DK while waiting for the NDP show to start.

Audiences were curious about this year NDP performance too.

Kids stand and sing along with the melody~

This year’s NDP Show celebrates the can-do spirit and caring attitude of Singaporeans through vibrant multimedia and lively mass displays in four acts – Celebrate it!, Love It!, Live It!, and Be It! – that are creatively juxtaposed with stories of five everyday Singaporeans told in a short film. 
Resonating with Singaporeans will be the warmth of our home and neighbourhood, the concerns and challenges Singaporeans face, and our strength and determination to never give up in pursuing our dreams. This year’s Show also features mixes of familiar songs Singaporeans have grown up with and popular hits that will engage both spectators at the Float and home-viewers in sing-a-long sessions.
I am so excited! Finally the NDP show started!!

Salute with honor!

Soldier marching with respect!

Red Lion landing from the sky ~

Every national day, you will see this scene! ^^

Singapore Navy team in Action! Fire!

Get ready your lightstick to wave along with the crowd tune ~!

My mood got spark up as the theme changes from one to other, four different types of NDP ACT from the pre parade where by formal military marching into the floating platform to talent performers on stage till fireworks performances, each of this segment had gave audiences a wild spectacular view.

Likewise, I am amazed by the stage performances which remind me of my childhood times. The whole performance was very meaningful, memorable and interactive. As a farewell to NDP at Marina Bay Floating Platform, this year fireworks were complimentary with our Singapore landscape building.

This is awesomeness!!!

I had an enjoyable evening at the NDP 2014 preview. 

Photographs Credit to Derrick See
Collaboration with Note Passion Photography