My Holiday. My Life. My Days


Life changed Everyday, Everyday changed life…
Everyday you see Sun moving up and down from your vision…
Everyday you thinking of what to eat and what to wear…
Everyday you thinking of what will happen tomorrow…

Once I blink my eyes, my holiday has officially ended. Looking at my 1.5 month of school term break holiday, it was the most happening moment ever. Some people might ask me, why I have such a long term break of 1.5 month holiday?

1.5 month ago… Last week of August 2011…

I actually started my holiday since my school study & project submission week. It was the most critical week I had because of finishing up my several project on hand and preparing for examination paper. The week where I started to skip some lesson, thus it was the last week of lecture before moving on to the study week.

My examination week took about 2 week to end and I am excited to move my life into the next phrase of school holiday. Yes! Its Holiday! The day where i have more time to think, to capture and to blog, nevertheless, attending events was the most happening stuff in my holiday.

Well, I started to blog since the year of 2007 and I love myself being a blogger! Other than begin a writing online editor, sharing my interesting lifestyle to my readers, I also learn quite a number of things which school couldn’t able to learn it. “I blog to see things different from the others.”

Throughout this school term break holiday, despite of spending my time going out with friends and family. I think that the most time I spent was on attending the events. In a total sum up of more than 80 events I attended within 1.5 month and I’m glad that as days passed, I see the life changed.

Life is like a melody, sometime you may feel high and sometime you may feel low. It’s just like a melody of a song with high and low note moving along to make it smoother. So… How high or low life can you be? Well, for me, I am not always at the high note.

*Tick tock Tick tock…*
*1 day, 2 day 10 day, 30 day passed*

This 1.5 month of holiday, I enjoyed my time almost every day, going out and chilling out with friends, shopping, movie and dinner date with couple of friends, attending birthday celebration, partying with exciting events and etc…

My friend always say this to me: “Your life is very happening.” Well, we are born to be happening in life rather than lonely, am I right? 🙂

Simple life can be memorable…
Life Simple… Live Simple…

*1.5 month later… Mid October 2011*
*Once the clock strike 8AM… *

Hp, You are ready to pack your bag and get ready to step into the school again… It’s a new start of the day once again. 那些年那些回忆已经错过了 所以要珍惜这些年 这些美好的人生 这些美好的记忆…



  1. Sounds to me that your are so excited about the upcoming school holidays. Common to hear from students actually. It's so true that blog also helps you to see beyond what others also see. Hope to see more of your adventures this holiday.