Museum of Horrors V: The Relic at *SCAPE! Halloween


Bello fellas. It’s almost the end of October………..

…. and the biggest event of the month……..

is almost here………….

In just a couple of days time, we will be welcoming the scariest time of the year…..

T H E . H A L L O W E E N.

HOLLA! Yep, it’s the Halloween!! You could say it’s my favourite event of the year after Chinese New Year. Because there are no public holidays for Halloween ah… Hahahaha…. ^^” Wasted. But that doesn’t stop me from finding time out to participate in Halloween events and visiting Haunted Houses!! Like how could you miss it right?!! Everyone lovessss Haunted Houses! Even though knowing how stupid it is to pay to get scared, LOL. But it’s a hell of an experience! Literally…. Muahahahahaha….

So this year, I visited The Museum of Horrors; The Relic @ *SCAPE, co-organised by the ever awesome fantasy character enactment crew from MOVIE MANIA! MOVIE MANIA is a bunch of fun loving people who pride themselves in recreating fantasy characters like superheroes, super villains and other memorable characters! They even organise themed parties, and especially Halloween events!

It was my first time visiting *SCAPE’s haunted house because the past few times was too crowded,(then the scumbag of a boyfriend of that time thought it’s a waste of time to queue) so I didn’t get to visit, 🙁 Lucky enough! This year, I went on Brother Yeo’s behalf! Thank you Brother Yeo (Hpility SG) & *SCAPE management!! ^3^

Egg-cited girl waiting to be scared, HAHAHAHA.

Annabelle was there too, to welcome us!

Obviously quite freaked knowing there’s Annabelle. Like what if I go into the room and then get locked up by Annabelle?! Then she will freak me out with her weird baby cries, omg. Then got weird ahma come out of the closet and attack me(?!?!?!?!) I was super excited and obviously hyperventilated for a bit, hahahaha.

We had to wait a while to go in, for the ultimate experience. You know… because haunted house is the lesser the better. Three’s a crowd, hahahaha! It’s best when you go in pairs, XD

Unearthed from the deep sands in the Middle East, is a relic believed to belong to a long-lost city as enigmatic as the Atlantis! Estimated to be over 2,000 years old, the idol-like ornament will, for the first time, be showcased at the Museum of Horrors in Singapore!

There are 6 parts to The Relic haunted house! From The Medical Laboratory, Cabin in the Woods, The Living Dead, The Creepy Fun House Maze, Into Darkness Maze and Revenge of the Doll! I ESPECIALLY LOVE THE PART WITH ALL THE 3D PAINT! I think that’s the Creepy Fun House Maze? IT’S FREAKING COOL!!!

Okokok……..I’m not gonna reveal too much! So let’s just let the pictures do the talking!
Ps: I overheard someone saying it’s better than USS. So whatchu waiting’ for?

I believe this is the Cabin in the Woods! One of my favourite set-up!! Everything looked super real! Even the “ghost” were really professional here!

I think we’re twins. XD

The awkwardly small, and scary pregnant lady. SHE’S REALLY SCARY. You’d know why after visiting the exhibition, hahahhaha!

The 3D paint maze!! (Without 3D glasses on)

With the 3D glasses!! Camera couldn’t capture a proper photo of the effect. 
You have to see it to experience it!!

This maze is absolutely cool. If you are still not planning to visit The Relic, I really don’t know what are you doing with your Halloween. How can you not visit a Haunted House during Halloween!?!?!?!?

Can you spot the hidden keyword? XD 
*Note: You can only see it in different angles and lightings with your 3D glasses on. Hahahahaha!

Ryan is obviously infected, *omg*


And here comes Annabelle. Knn, really got ahma come flying towards you one. T_T
Vivian damn spoiler, but don’t say I didn’t warn you….!

Saving the best for the last. He was so real I really thought it’s a dummy lying down there until he moved!! The actors were super good, I swear!

After conquering the haunted house…. What is Annabelle?! Hahahhaa, I keedz. I am still scared of dolls that looks like this. It’s so ugly lah, I don’t get why that girl in the movie wanted the doll so bad. She obviously has horrible taste. (LOL)

Grab your tickets now at and at *SCAPE HubQuarters, Customer Service Counter (Level4)!! Admission fees are priced at: Students: S$15 & Adults: S$20.

Simply quote HPILITY to enjoy 25% off standard ticket prices at our ticketing site

Ending the post with a selfie with Peggy! ^3^

Have a Happy Halloween…. MUAHAHAHAHAHA.

Editor: Vivian Tian