Mikuni Shimokawa Asia Lovers Tour in Singapore


Jpop Mikuni Shimokawa in Singapore! Yess! Thanks ANIMAX for the invitation to Asia Lovers Tour featuring Mikuni Shimokawa ‘Replay’ & the premiere of “FAIRY TAIL” live concert and with this live concert, i brought my classmate Justin along.

The concert held at St.James Movida and this my first time seeing and listen Mikuni Shimokawa singing live on stage (with live band). A singer and songwriter, talented girl from Japan whereby most of her songs used for anime theme music. Likewise, she also sang the fourth ending theme song for the anime ‘Fairy Tail’ titled “Kimi ga iru kara”.

Picture taken from flickr user: kodomut

Overall, it was an enjoying live concert and glad to say that although this my first time listening to her song but with the group of live band behind, it totally impressed alots with this Japanese Singer! haha…

Picture taken from flickr user: kodomut

Last but not least, just want you guys to know that anime “Fairy Tail” will be premiere on ANIMAX! Hope you guys enjoy watching it! Check out the detail and video below here:

Premieres 30th September 2010 (Thursday) at 9.30pm
Every Monday to Friday
Only on ANIMAX (StarHub TV ch 532)


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Tats all for today!
Thanks for your reading and viewing!
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