Mediacorp Channel U’s Blockbuster Drama “Secrets for Sale” Private Screening


Hi readers! Welcome back to my blog! Today will be sharing post about “Secrets for Sale” 《拍。卖》 private screening event invited by Mediacorp Channel U which i attended few days back at Carlton Hotel Singapore. This is my first time blog for channel U!!! hahaha… Below some of the picture thanks to William and Mint!

Drinks was serve before the screening start.

Priscilla and Wan Ying

Terence and Me

We went into Empress Ballroom 5 for the “Secrets for Sale” private screening

Took a picture with William

Picture with Terence and Mint

Lee Teng was the host of that night…

The producer of “Secrets for Sale” shared with us about his review and how things going work in this drama. You may visit their official website for more happening info: SecretsForSale and their Facebook page: SecretsForSaleFB

Followed by main cast Jesseca Liu and Christopher Lee on stage! To understand more about 拍。卖, both of them did their great introduction before the screening of episode 1 start..

Quiz was given to the audience to answer to win some cool thing…
and the winner goes to…

Terence! Congratulation! hahaha

“Secrets for Sale” private screening started. Screening on the episode 1 which will show on officially channel U’s TV next week Monday onward at 10pm. Seriously, I’m now looking forward to Episode 2!!

So what is “Secrets for Sale” 《拍。卖》 all about? After watching episode 1, i can say that its not about “selling” stuff or what but it was about “dealing”! 拍。卖 mean 偷拍,出卖。 In this drama, Jesseca Liu work as a private investigator and Christopher Lee work under Jesseca Liu investigator company. *watch it to know the behind story..*

Why you must watch this drama?
One reason i like this drama alot was because they used a different special technique in their filming. “Secrets for Sale” is a show which contains complicated missing case & a puzzle waiting for you solve. Talking about photography skill, investigator, relationship such as third party involve as well as friendships.

A good digital camera doesn’t mean you can take nice picture without having any skill, A nice picture doesn’t mean taken by a good digital camera. At the end of day, you will ask yourself this question: how good are your photography skill? Are you a good photographer?… Camera might be a killing tool to you.

一台相机,就好比一把手枪,落入正义的人之手,它可能就是伸张正义的武器,在卑鄙下流之人手里,它就是一把犯罪的利器。当你拿起相机悄悄拍着别人的时候,有没有想过,自己可能也成为别人镜头里的”猎物”呢?人们往往逃避自己的丑陋面,直至被拍,证据确凿的那一刻,才恍然自己被出卖,而出卖自己的,正是那个丑陋的自己![Read More]

After the screening, Jesseca Liu and Christopher Lee were invited back on stage to give the ending speech. Few prizes were given away through lucky draw picked by both main casts, and….

Congrats William who won the Takashimaya voucher

However, the luckiest winner goes with exclusive Secrets for Sale autographed poster and a Takashimaya voucher!! 恭喜恭喜 哈哈哈!

Event ended..

Jesseca Liu busy signing autograph for her fans

Picture with Lee Teng

We was told to do a short interview for channel U about Secrets for Sale

Did ending post for our interview

Starting today, from 6-13 March, every night at 10.55PM, you can catch the “Making Of” Secrets For Sale on Channel U (a different short clip everyday), so don’t miss all 8 of them! The drama will premiere on 14 March 10PM!!!! ^^


  1. very nice show… better than stupid ch 8 drama now at 9pm.

    i loved Renyi character.. the chemistry between Renyi and Jiaqi is superb…

    whoever wrote the screenplay, u THE MAN!…