Love Buffet (愛似百匯) Episode 3


Hello people! Welcome back to my weekly review on the Love Buffet (愛似百匯) Taiwanese drama. Today will be talking about Love Buffet Episode 3 (愛似百匯 第三集)! Yess! Story continue from episode 2.. Whereby 胡小風 starting getting in love with 邢大业..

Nice introduction opening drama with 小風 dream story where she hope she could go on date with 大业. However, the ‘dating’ was success but 秋樱学姐 came into the “dating” picture.. Well, due to 小風 first date, she hope she could present her very best to 大业 but it end up a mess.. 小風 was admire and envy about 秋樱学姐 appearance and keep thinking that 秋樱学姐 and 大业 would be the best couple..

小風 was being shame and embarrassing of herself because she did the most stupid thing infront of 大业 & 秋樱学姐. 小风 cried at last and 阿一 came in to comfort and give her confident.

As story goes… 小風 finally found out 秋樱学姐 those evil motive on 大业, very hypocritically (假惺惺). This time round, 小風 decided to help 大业 to get rid of her, however the “war” is getting worst.. 小風 feeling got hurt not once but twice..

Yup! 胡小風 got one very cute name in this episode 3 call ‘油條妹’ 哈哈哈。。。超可爱的! 秋樱学姐 propose toward 大业 but 大业 still can’t accept 秋樱 request, therefore this 2 remain as neutral.

喜欢一个人真的要说出来吗? 这问题真令人矛盾。。 如果想知道的话就请看下一集吧!哈哈。。 Stay Tune for my next Love Buffet Episode 4 review too! Enjoy watching it *Smile*

Love Buffet Official Website: [Love Buffet]