If you have follow my twitter, you guys will know that 2 weeks back, i was having my school project whereby need to design a poster using adobe illustrator. Me and my friend,Faris, Picked the Liu Qian World Magical Tour 2010 in Singapore theme to finalize in our project.
Great to say that, overall we successfully created this magical poster. Below here is my version of Liu Qian Magical Tour 2010 Poster ^^
How miracle magic is? How well you can visualize it? Yesss! haha Next famous person coming into Singapore will be my favourite Magician Liu Qian (刘谦)! haha… 『谦变万化』 2010刘谦世界巡回之旅 will held at Singapore Expo this coming 31th July 2010.
Are you guys ready to accept the miracle? xD *Nothing is impossible in this world* 接下来,就是见证奇迹的时刻!
he has always been amazing! watched him on taiwan show. best! 🙂
did u see his taiwan poster for his tour? the one he almost did a split? damn nice!
yan ping: Yeah i got see! haha, love all his magic perform on Taiwan show too… He is the best magician in Asia ^^