Inspired by the highly-anticipated superhero action picture featuring the beginning of Superman’s journey to self-discovery, which opens in cinemas this week, EZ-Link is offering the opportunity for commuters to exchange any valid MRT card in their wallet for the Limited Edition “Man of SteelTM“ EZ-Link cards from 14th June 2013 onwards.
The card exchange can be done at any of the 10 selected TransitLink Ticket Offices at a cost of only $5.00.
During the exchange, any remaining monies on the old MRT card will be refunded to the card holder. If the remaining monies is less than S$7, the card holder will be required to top-up a minimum of $7 to the new “Man of SteelTM“ EZ-Link card.
A card holder can exchange as many cards as desired, but strictly subject to the availability of stocks. The exchange does not apply to co-brand cards, cards with Autoload/EZ-Reload facility and concession cards.
There are two designs to select from. Locations for the exchange of each limited edition card are as follows:
- Bugis
- Clementi
- Hougang
- Tampines
- Woodlands
- Ang Mo Kio
- Bedok
- Boon Lay
- Sengkang
- Yishun
(Information from EZ-Link)
wah i want eh! 😀