Just few more hours to exam result release and i am feeling exciting at the same time feeling worried about my result. Anyway, today gonna share some picture about last week and this week event i attended in my blog here. *Keep scrolling* – Picture Post
Legend of fist movie gala premiere at Shaw lido.
Ice cream at Bugis Iluma
Few days back, went to watch Singapore grand prix 2010 F1 located at cityhall area (Gate 3). Never bring camera along due to last minute plan. haha but overall i enjoy watching those F1 car voom pass me and the sound was damn shiok to the max!
Nice view! too bad took using phone camera
Alright, i going back to my gan jiong mood! Stay tune for my interesting blog post coming up! Many blog post on standby now… Once exam result release, i will post them out one by one! haha…