Jay Chou 周杰倫新专辑跨時代


Woohoo! Is Monday and i am very excited! Why? because 亚洲天王周杰倫 Jay Chou finally release his new album [跨時代]…Yes been waiting and waiting for his new song since last year, wondering whats new music style he can combine create for this new generation 2010.

As for today blog post, will be sharing my review on Jay Chou new album (周杰倫新专辑跨時代). Total of 11 song in the album and some really did impressed me such as 我落淚。情緒零碎, 跨時代, 免费教学录影带 and 雨下一整晚. Lets see the song description first…

01. 跨时代 【讲述吸血家族内族矛盾,借题演绎跨层爱情,杰伦借词曲点明杰式音乐的独立永恒魅力】
02. 说了再见 【09年创作,半岛铁盒式情歌又回来了,尤其前奏巨炮仍旧献声演绎】
03. 烟花易冷 【主打中国风,小调式情歌,结论唱腔再度翻新,凄凉唯美】
04. 免费教学录影带 【国内首次尝试互动式歌曲形式,听众可跟随乐曲附和,轻松愉悦】
05. 好久不见 【看似情歌,实则嘻哈风格,属杰伦为期待已久歌迷创作,亮点诡异】
06. 雨下一整晚 【曲风婉转清新,类似晴天,雨声贯穿全曲,副歌部分尤为惊艳】
07. 嘻哈空姐 【杰伦在美国返回台湾路上创作,通过一位空姐视角展现独特故事情节】
08. 我落泪。情绪零碎 【杰伦首次尝试与合唱团体共同演绎,曲风富有张力】
09. 爱的等飞行日记 【杰式情歌,类似慢摇,2010年专辑新添曲目】
10. 自导自演 【类似反方向的钟,独特唱腔中寓意哲理,起初是否放入新专辑未定】
11. 超人不会飞 【回礼十年,感概十年的一首舒缓歌曲,让人听后为其感同身受】

Love all his 11 songs in this 跨时代 album but i will pick up 5 songs to review it, those 5 are:
跨时代, 我落淚。情緒零碎, 免费教学录影带, 雨下一整晚 & 烟花易冷.

跨时代- A song contain Auto Tune and fade in and out in between this music as well as voice. This song MV directed by Jay Chou which surprised and impressed me quite alots, Jay Chou turned himself into vampire, with it…The Piano in this MV is awesome! Overall, if you like this song, you must watch this song Music Video (MV) too…[Continue Reading]

我落淚。情緒零碎- This song remind me lots of past memories…首次听到时让我想起了[不能说的秘密] 这首歌…虽然歌的 title 是[我落淚。情緒零碎] 听起来好像很Emo, 但是听了听过后反而感觉很温馨很舒服。我喜欢!哈哈。。。歌词里:’我落淚情緒零碎 你的世界一幕幕紛飛’

免費教學錄影帶- Learn guitar or wanna be Rocker? Go ahead listen this song! haha…I attracted by this song because the lyrics talk about Music, Rocker, Guitar and Blues style. Somehow it can represent my current blog layout…lols…MV very cute too! ^^

雨下一整晚 & 烟花易冷- Yeah! If you have read my profile, you will know that i like 中國風 style music! haha…So far, all 中國風 music created by Jay Chou is the best to me…Been listening since his first album till now the 10th album. He never change his style in writing/composting song and that’s why many people attracted with his style.

After listening to all the 11 songs which i mention above…Next going to do, is waiting for his Music Video (MV) to release. I guess most of the MV is directed by Jay Chou *as usual* lols..Alright, will share more as days come by…In the meantime, just sit back and enjoy his new album song 🙂