Jay Chou Singapore Autograph Session


Hello people! Yesss!! If you have follow my twitter or added my facebook, you guys should know that i went to Jay Chou autograph session (周杰倫跨時代签名会) at bugis junction today with schoolmate Arif and Michelle. Pretty awesome crowded with thousand of people around Bugis Junction area. We reached there around 4pm plus and waited there about three hours…As usual, Jay Chou (周杰倫) fans the most enthusiastic in cheering! haha… *Below here are some of the photo*

Time around 6.30pm, crowds block the way of junction

Everyone in standby mode because the king has arrival

Cruz Teng the host of the night

Jay Chou on Stage!

Some short introducing before autograph session start

Jay Chou group photo with JC fans

*Scream* Nice to see Jay Chou in Singapore again and if i not wrong, during the last part of autograph session, Jay Chou did say that he hope if got chance he could come Singapore every year for autograph session! haha… Today, his first time autograph session in Singapore was a success! *Smile*

Tats all for today!
Thanks for your reading and viewing!
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