Woot! The Asian King Taiwanese Pop – Jay Chou is going to release his 11th album in November 2011. In the maintaining of his casual Chinese style of music every year, he always creates and design new music melody in his new album. Likewise, not surprise to see new style from his 11th album too.
Good news to share today! Jay Chou had unveiled his title song from his 11th album named as “皮影戏”! This song consists of Chinese Rap-style, it has the Jay Chou originally flavour in it but if you listen to its lyrics carefully, it actually show different side of Jay Chou. Without further do, let’s sit back and enjoy this “皮影戏” song!
From the Press Release:
10月15日,中国移动无线音乐俱乐部首发周杰伦2011年全新专辑第一波主打歌《皮影戏》。这首以皮影戏为主题的歌曲,词出唐从圣之手,时而文言时而诙谐。周杰伦更是将文字里表现的幽默化成音乐,独特的“台”味节奏与古典的中国风饶富趣味,再加上嘻哈 rap 融合中国的五声音阶和京剧唱法,以及类似教会的圣歌电子琴弹奏,变来变去出神入化。
微薄的身躯 刻划出厚实尊严
小小屏幕 撑起大大一片天
观众静候在我的眼前 灯光闪耀在后面 我碎碎念
唱念做打喜怒哀乐 让你妈妈扭一下
记得跟着锣鼓点 哇勒点点点点点点点
我们的表演向左边 向右边 左右都逢源不恐后或争先
筋斗云就算在十万八千里 看我只需要翻三圈
近在咫尺 远在天边 笑我疯癫 凭你的脸?
还是快去排队买票看我的表演 大声点我听不见
皮影似神仙 我身轻如燕
皮影似神仙 我身轻如燕
你面前忽隐又忽现 飘逸在云和雾里面
剧力万千惊叹声连连 动静掌控全在绕指间
透明的眼 纯净的笑脸 只看颜色就能辩忠奸
唱念做打喜怒哀乐 让你妈妈扭一下
记得跟着锣鼓点 哇勒点点点点点点点
哥说的故事 百善孝为先
筋斗云就算在十万八千 看我只需要翻三圈
近在咫尺 远在天边 笑我疯癫 凭你的脸?
还是快去排队买票看我的表演 大声点我听不见
皮影似神仙 我身轻如燕
你面前忽隐又忽现 飘逸在云和雾里面
傲气贯山巅 随性唱一遍变世代传承的经典
It's so Jay Chou!
There is other songs in it if u listen carefully~
Kelvin: But this is the official song 🙂
Yvonne: Yeah! This what is call JAY CHOU! 😀