This week HOT Movie, IP MAN 2 (葉問2:宗師傳奇)! Have you seen IP MAN 1? and have you seen the IP MAN 2 trailer? IF Yes! You definitely want to watch this movie in the cinema theater…haha.. IP MAN 2 was directed by director Wilson Yip (葉偉信) (A famous HongKong actor, filmmaker and scriptwriter).
Since young, i like to watch Action movie where by it contain lots of martial art effect in it. IP Man 2 movie main cast by Donnie Yen (甄子丹) aka , a person with highly skilled martial art. In its trailer, it also show how Donnie Yen fight against most of the martial art master, fighting over different kind of problem…haha his 詠春拳 the best!
Well, Good martial art movie must have good martial art director! IP Man 2 movie, The martial art director was directed by 洪金寶! He also cast in this movie too..What a nice and skillful director. Alright, I’ll be watching this movie tmr! However, before i end, i would like to rate this IP Man 2 (葉問2:宗師傳奇) movie as 5/5 stars.
从小就很喜欢看一些动作武打片,事到如今还是一样很喜欢。。象是有李小龙,成龙或谢霆锋主演的武打片都会去看。到了今天,甄子丹主演的电影 [葉問2],我的心情是超兴奋超想看的!哈哈。。。葉問 1 我看了,当然错过不了葉問2!洪金寶,任達華,黃曉明,都出现在电影中。。由于是宗師傳奇,武打动作肯定是少不了的!这部电影我一定去看!哈哈。。。 fast grab me buy no ticket lor..all screen full house
Nikel Khor: haha yeah! Nice movie must grab fast! =D SG here also all full house, but luckily still manage to get a pair of tixs ^^
im so gonna watch it next week! 😀
fast go to watch !! really very nice i watch d !!
Henry Lee: yeah! you should! haha i just watched today…and the movie was pretty exciting and awesome! ^^ hope you like it too 🙂
sabahking: yup! watched IP Man 2 movie today…Is really nice..haha =)
Nice Movie!
Great moves & skill by ip man…kudos for bringing Chinese pride to the front..
I think the action scenes in the first is way better but worth watching nevertheless.
I wrote a review here for those who haven't watched the movie:
Gary: Yup! Like the action fighting scenes a lots! haha…Thanks for your review too…
No problem, any news if they are planning for a third Ip Man?