How to Keep the Romance Alive with a New Baby

relationship goals

How to Keep the Romance Alive with a New Baby

When you first met your current partner, you probably loved them more than anything else in the world, as they brought you comfort, security, and an indescribable fondness. But all of that likely changed when you had a child, as a baby tends to evoke feelings of love and affection like you’ve never felt before, completely overwhelming you, and changing your perspective on life. However, that doesn’t mean you should allow your child to become your only focus. If you still care deeply about your partner, make it a point to keep the romance alive in your relationship with these incredible tips:

Try to maintain your focus

Try to maintain your focus

Any parent will know that babies require plenty of love, care, and undivided attention. But even though this is a completely natural aspect of your newborn’s life, you shouldn’t allow caregiving to consume you entirely. While it can be quite easy to focus solely on your child at the beginning of their life, such behavior might make your partner feel neglected and alienated, especially if they’re not taking an equally active part in raising the baby.

For that reason, it would be best to find an ideal balance between being a parent and an equal partner. Try to prioritize your romantic relationship and make an effort to cultivate the bond you share, in order to keep the love alive and healthy in your home.

Communicate with your loved one

Communicate with your loved one

Communication is the key to any successful relationship, but it becomes even more important when you decide to expand your family. When you’re both exhausted from taking care of the little one, stress can cause negative emotions and force you to say ugly words you don’t necessarily mean. However, a weekly or even daily check-in with your partner might help to solve this issue.

Start an open and honest conversation with your partner where you will focus on your feelings about parenting and about each other, as well as any issues and struggles you might be facing. This will allow you to work towards finding resolutions while strengthening your relationship in the process.

Express your love for each other

Express your love for each other

Because saying “I love you” seems so small and obvious, it can be quite easy to forget about it entirely. However, this is one of the simplest and most significant ways you could foster romance in your relationship, and maintain that special bond. So, make it a point to regularly tell your significant other just how much you love them, but don’t forget about other caring acts either.

You could express your support and encouragement for your partner through kind words, or even focus on those small loving gestures such as good morning kisses, breakfast in bed, or a relaxing massage, in an effort to bring back some of that intimacy that might have been lost after childbirth.

Remain intimate with your partner

Remain intimate with your partner

Sex is another aspect of intimacy that needs to be fostered in any romantic relationship in order to keep the flame alive. However, with the stresses of raising a newborn, as well as all the postpartum pain and other issues that tend to arise, sex can truly be the last thing on your mind. For that reason, you might need to make physical intimacy a priority once you’re cleared for action.

Although it might not be particularly romantic, aim to schedule sex and include it in your regular routine, to reignite some of that lost desire, and get back in the game. If you need a bit of extra help to feel aroused once again, consider visiting a great adult shop where you could find brilliant toys and tools that will allow you to feel new forms of wondrous pleasure.

Go on regular date nights together

Go on regular date nights together

Spending quality time with each other is another simple way to reconnect with your partner, while investing in your love, and helping to keep the romance alive. And even though you might not have had enough time to go out as often as you used to after having a child, it’s still important to prioritize your relationship by scheduling frequent date nights.

If you have the opportunity to leave your baby with a trusted person, it might be wise to go on the same date nights as you would without a child, whether that means a fancy restaurant or a dance class. If not, keep in mind that even a candlelit dinner or an enjoyable movie night at home while the baby is sleeping can be a wonderful date night in alternatives.

Schedule some alone mom time

Schedule some alone mom time

Although a baby might have completely changed your life and your daily routine, your entire world doesn’t necessarily have to revolve around being a parent. You are your own person who deserves care, attention, and some alone time to devote to yourself, especially when you’ve given so much for your family.

Whether you ask your partner to take care of your child while you go for lunch with friends, or simply take fifteen minutes out of your day when the baby is napping for a relaxing bath or a good book, spending some time alone can be incredibly beneficial for your mental health, allowing you to become a calmer and happier person, as well as a better partner.

Remember it’s the small things that matter

With all the stress and such a busy schedule, grand romantic gestures are highly unlikely to happen after you have a child. Instead, it might be wiser to focus on those smaller things your partner does each day, whether they take care of those household chores you were dreading and allow you to relax, or they get up earlier to take care of the baby in the morning so you could sleep in.

These small, caring acts can quickly add up, and are the perfect representation of all the love and appreciation your partner feels for you. So, don’t overlook their importance, and remember to thank your loved one for everything they do.

Even though a life with a newborn tends to bring plenty of challenges, your relationship with your partner doesn’t have to suffer, as long as you invest in it by following the incredible advice mentioned above.