Happy Mood for Today
Happy Mood starting in Wednesday morning, reason is because of my exam result! Great to say that i had checked my final year exam result and score a good grade too! Passed my 3D animation, video filming and web design project with an ‘A’ grade! haha…开心啦!All the hard work never 白费心机..Yay! ^^
Oh yes! Today also end of march 2010…April 2010 coming tmr!…Me will be attending one event tonight with omy.sg and radio 100.3! Hope it will be fun..haha…Be right back soon people!
*Ending this blog post with my happy mood*
御目デット~~~congratualations on the A~
so great ar…jealous la..
Thanks Sochii Kamiya and Andelia Rehauste and nikel khor =)