A Great Star in My Heart


Hi readers! Its last day of October in 2010! How you been doing? haha… Today will be sharing some words/message to all my blog reader! (Teaser Version) ^^

Just saw 飛輪海 (Fahrenheit) new music video – 《守護星》 and i totally had a warm feeling in my heart. Reason because as this song is 飛輪海獻給歌迷的守護系可愛情歌, showing their care and memories towards all their fans. The song lyrics impressed me quite alot, because it contain ‘warm’ and ‘happiness’! Check out the video below here!

i been keep on blogging almost 3 years and if you have follow my twitter, you will know that my blog post is going to reach 1000 soon. Yess!! My very first thousand post.. haha.. hope by that time, my 1st 1000 post is interesting!

Well, i want to say a big thanks all my visitor who visited my blog daily, no matter you are special or non special, young or old, as long as you people entered my world, you guys/girls are always a great stars in my heart. *Smile*

Be Right Back at November 2010.