Its weekdays! 2 days back, thanks to my friend Darren and Terence for inviting me to this Fashion Fast Forward Event at Topshop knightsbridge Singapore. Are you the person into fashion? Yup! It was a fashion social date night where Topshop were close for private event and invited guest may enjoy the 20% discount of purchase any item at the Topshop.
Most of the fashion people were gathered and mingles around with one another using the social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter, Check in to vote for your favourite finalist and Tweet with the hash of #F3Social to win some attractive prizes.
Top 14 Style Scouts finalists have showcase their fashion work to the audience too. One of Terence friend’s Huiyi and My friend’s Jason Lin was the finalist of Style Scouts. Great to see their fashion design and congrats Huiyi for winning the Top 4 Style Scouts finalists!
nice~ topman^^ one of my fav
I'd definitely have gone for this if I was in Singapore! (:
ryun^^: Thanks ya! haha me too =D
vieleong: haha, its ok! Still got next time ^^
hi just registered ,, tina
I actually enjoyed reading through this posting.Many thanks.