In life, we live to believe and believe to live in. The Taiwanese latest action movie – Din Tao: Leader of the Parade (陣頭) directed by director Fung Kai together with cast Alan Kuo, Alien Huang and Crystal Lin has showcase the traditional and modern way of believing in this movie. Thus, this was director Fung Kai first ever movie production show in the theater.
陣頭 movie is a type of family-kind movie which suitable across all ages regarding male or female, it show the complicated relationship between Father and Son and resolve the situation in a twist manner. It was a life story of young teenager achieving their goal and dream. Likewise, this has thought us that if you never give up, one day you will success.
I was impressed by the story of this movie being its content and action pack, I truly say that this movie had touched my heart when the story get twisted. This was the moment where you will tear down easily and the touching part has reached my expectation.
Well, one nice quote I learn from this ‘Din Tao’ movie is to live different from the others. In life, we human created rule and this rule has stop you from moving forward. However, rule are man-made, if we could open our kindness heart and change it, the world will live you differently. Sometime, we don’t know what we are doing but we know that is worth to do it.
After all, I would like to say that the Taiwanese Din Tao (陣頭) Leader of the Parade was an inspiration, action and warm hearted movie! Recommended to watch! I rate this Din Tao movie: 4/5 stars. Din Tao movie will be releasing on 31st May 2012 in Singapore Cinema!
For more information do check out:
Thank you Twentieth Century Fox for the invitation! *Smiles*
Din Tao (陣頭) Movie Synopsis:
Ah-Tai (Alan Kuo) was born and raised in one of Taichungs most notable Din-Tao troupes. His father (Chen Bo Zheng) had deemed him a good-for-nothing since his childhood days. Ah-Tais rebellious streak had strained their father-son relationship as such.
With a stroke of chance, Ah-Tai is unintentionally appointed the leader of the troupe. This resulted in suspicions and distrust arising from both troupe members and the rival troupe led by Ah-Xian (Alien Huang). Ah-Tai decides to prove his worth by embarking on a performance journey across Taiwan with his young troupe members. This coming-of-age tale hopes to ignite the waning interests of Din Tao traditions through one mans vision and the value of family bonds.